A manual handling fee is a fee that transport companies apply to freight that must be handled by hand instead of being able to travel through their automated freight sorting machines. This may also be called non-conveyable freight.
If you have an account with any of the major carriers, then you are probably paying a manual handling fee. These fees can be applied on a per item rate or a per connote basis. However, it is still another cost that is added to your total that seems to go up each year like clockwork.
The transport companies say they introduced these fees to try and move more freight through their automated sortation system that they have invested heavily in. Plus try and recoup costs for handling freight that could not pass through this system. But do the costs they charge per item really cover the cost for the movement of this freight?
What if:
A simple change to your packaging could help save you from that manual handling charge?
You could get the same service at the same price but no manual handling fee?
How much would that reduce your weekly freight costs?
How much time would that save you in dealing with the carrier and trying to dispute the charges?
Couriers and Freight help clients daily cut out the manual handling costs and improve bottom line. Get a courier quote today and see how we can help you save.
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